Java programming was originally developed by Sun Micro Systems which was initiated by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan , and Patrick Naughton and released in June 1991.
The language initially called Oak and later it was changed to Java, and Java is an island of Indonesia where first coffee was produced.
Sun released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1996.Java is guaranteed to be WORA(Write Once , Run Anywhere)..And now Java is a product of ORACLE .
Java latest version is Java SE8 released in March 2014.
Initially Java was used in Embedded Systems.After 1994 because of internet it was more popular.The original motivation for Java is the need for platform independent language that could be embedded in various consumer electronic products like toasters and refrigerators.
By using Java:
1.Standalone Applications(JSE)-This is also called as Core Java.
2.Enterprise Applications(JEE)
3.Device Applications(JME)
Java Editions:
Java comes in 3 editions.
1.JSE-Java Platform Standard Edition.
2.JEE-Java Platform Enterprise Edition.
3.JME-Java Platform Micro Edition.
JSE:-It is used to develop Standalone and web supportive applications.It is a core java language.It contains language related libararies.
What is Standalone Application?
An application developed in context of one user or system is called Standalone application.An application installed in one system can be access from same system but cannot access from same system but cannot access from another system.
CUI(Character User Interface)-command based
GUI(Graphic User Interface)-windows based
What is web supportive applications?
Applet is called web supportive program.It is a program downloaded from server and executed within client browser.
JEE:-It is used to develop Enterprises/Business Application which works on world wide web.It is used to develop service oriented web applications (or) internet applications. JEE consists of servlets,jsp,EJB,XML,Webservices.
JME:-It is used to develop device applications(mobile etc,..).
Java Versions:-
Java SE8(March 18,2014)
Java 8(code names have been discontinued,but the code name Spider is common for Java developers).
? lambda expressions
? default methods
? functional programming
Java SE7(July 28,2011)
code named Dolphin.
? Binary literals.
? Strings in switch statement.
? Try with resource statement.
? Catching multiple types of Exceptions.
? Underscore in numeric literals.
? Type inference for generic instance creation.
Java SE6(December 11,2006)
code named Mustang.
? Scripting language support.
? Pluggable Annotations.
JSE5.0(September 30,2004)
code named Tiger.
? Generics.
? Enhanced for loop.
? Autoboxing/Unboxing.
? Type safe Enums.
? Varargs.
? Static Import.
? Annotations.
J2SE 1.4(February 6,2002)
code named Merlin.
? Assertions.
? Chained Exception.
? Regular Expressions.
J2SE 1.3(May 8,2000)
code named Kestrel.
J2SE 1.2(Decemeber 8,1998)
code named Playground.
? Collecction framework.
? Java String Memory map for constants.
? Just In Time (JIT) compiler.
? Java foundation classes(JFC) which consists of swing 1.0,Drag and Drop , and Java 2D class libraries.
JDK 1.1(February 19,1997)
? JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
? Inner classes.
? Java Beans.
? RMI(Remote Method Invocation).
? Reflection.
JDK 1.0(January 23,1996)
code named Oak.
The language initially called Oak and later it was changed to Java, and Java is an island of Indonesia where first coffee was produced.
Sun released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1996.Java is guaranteed to be WORA(Write Once , Run Anywhere)..And now Java is a product of ORACLE .
Java latest version is Java SE8 released in March 2014.
Initially Java was used in Embedded Systems.After 1994 because of internet it was more popular.The original motivation for Java is the need for platform independent language that could be embedded in various consumer electronic products like toasters and refrigerators.
By using Java:
1.Standalone Applications(JSE)-This is also called as Core Java.
2.Enterprise Applications(JEE)
3.Device Applications(JME)
Java Editions:
Java comes in 3 editions.
1.JSE-Java Platform Standard Edition.
2.JEE-Java Platform Enterprise Edition.
3.JME-Java Platform Micro Edition.
JSE:-It is used to develop Standalone and web supportive applications.It is a core java language.It contains language related libararies.
What is Standalone Application?
An application developed in context of one user or system is called Standalone application.An application installed in one system can be access from same system but cannot access from same system but cannot access from another system.
CUI(Character User Interface)-command based
GUI(Graphic User Interface)-windows based
What is web supportive applications?
Applet is called web supportive program.It is a program downloaded from server and executed within client browser.
JEE:-It is used to develop Enterprises/Business Application which works on world wide web.It is used to develop service oriented web applications (or) internet applications. JEE consists of servlets,jsp,EJB,XML,Webservices.
JME:-It is used to develop device applications(mobile etc,..).
Java Versions:-
Java SE8(March 18,2014)
Java 8(code names have been discontinued,but the code name Spider is common for Java developers).
? lambda expressions
? default methods
? functional programming
Java SE7(July 28,2011)
code named Dolphin.
? Binary literals.
? Strings in switch statement.
? Try with resource statement.
? Catching multiple types of Exceptions.
? Underscore in numeric literals.
? Type inference for generic instance creation.
Java SE6(December 11,2006)
code named Mustang.
? Scripting language support.
? Pluggable Annotations.
JSE5.0(September 30,2004)
code named Tiger.
? Generics.
? Enhanced for loop.
? Autoboxing/Unboxing.
? Type safe Enums.
? Varargs.
? Static Import.
? Annotations.
J2SE 1.4(February 6,2002)
code named Merlin.
? Assertions.
? Chained Exception.
? Regular Expressions.
J2SE 1.3(May 8,2000)
code named Kestrel.
J2SE 1.2(Decemeber 8,1998)
code named Playground.
? Collecction framework.
? Java String Memory map for constants.
? Just In Time (JIT) compiler.
? Java foundation classes(JFC) which consists of swing 1.0,Drag and Drop , and Java 2D class libraries.
JDK 1.1(February 19,1997)
? JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
? Inner classes.
? Java Beans.
? RMI(Remote Method Invocation).
? Reflection.
JDK 1.0(January 23,1996)
code named Oak.
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